Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Good News!

Today I met with my OBGYN for a regular visit and we got all sorts of good news. We found out yesterday from the perinatologist that my body seems to be handling the weight of the pregnancy thus far and, at this point, there is no sign of mandatory bed rest. At this appointment, I learned that my glucose test came back negative, which means that I don't have gestational diabetes. Yay! They will retest me in week 24, but things look good for now. We also decided that we would start me on progesterone shots. They have been proven to help women with singleton pregnancies who have a history of preterm labor. There's no proof that they will help me, but we figure it's better to be safe than sorry.

The doctor then proceeded to do the ultrasound to make sure everyone's heartbeats were still present and strong. As he was looking around, I said "Let me know if you happen to see anything in there. Everyone keeps asking what we're having, but I just keep saying 'babies.'" I knew we'd find out a week from Friday regardless (that's when I have my in depth ultrasound) but I figured it was worth a shot. And lo and behold, he saw something! He wasn't 100% certain, but it looks like we're having identical boys and a fraternal girl! We've got our first names chosen already (one of the benefits of trying for over a year) but we're still missing one middle name, so mum's the word for now. I'll keep you posted, but for now... we're having a girl... and two boys!