Thursday, January 5, 2012

Four Months

I am amazed to report that I am officially 16 weeks today. That's four entire months. For those of you still on nine month pregnancy mentality, normal gestation is actually 40 weeks or ten months. That means I'm not quite halfway for "normal," but considering 30 weeks is the beginning of the "good zone" for multiple's gestation, I am actually about halfway. Absolute craziness.

I returned to work this week after 2 1/2 weeks off for the winter break. It's nice not to be fighting nausea all of the time, but I am just so achy and tired; it makes it difficult to work my normal schedule, which really isn't that strenuous compared to that of so many other working pregnant women. Regardless, I am tired. I am sore. And I had a really strange radiating pain Wednesday morning that put me completely out of commission for about 20 minutes and then caused me to sleep from exhaustion for another few hours. Thank goodness I only had a night class that evening, so I didn't miss any work. But it is stuff like this that catches me by surprise and makes me wonder why women keep getting pregnant decade after decade after decade. But I digress. I'm not done teaching for the week and I welcome the sleep tomorrow.

Ironically, my 2 1/2 week vacation seemed terribly short, but the 1 1/2 weeks that have passed since my last doctor's appointment seem like an eternity. I'm not worried, per se, but I am definitely curious to make sure everything is still as it should be in there - that everyone's still doing okay. You would think seeing a doctor every other week would get tiresome, but I'm actually looking forward to it. With so many things up in the air, I like knowing that I will know at least something on a regular basis. So I've just got to wait until Monday. Then, I see the perinatologist to make sure that my body is handling the pregnancy well thus far and that bed rest does not look like it's in my immediate future. The very next day, I see my OBGYN for another check-up. I'm not sure what he's looking for, but it's nice to know that he's looking. And amazingly, at the end of the next week, we go in for a triplet ultrasound. I will be eighteen weeks and so should be able to learn the sex(es) of the babies; plus, the perinatologist should also be able to screen the babies for early warnings of some health hazards. It seems impossible that my 18 week marker is only two weeks away. Much like the past weeks, time seems to move so slowly in some ways and speed past in others.

On that note, I know that I have not posted many pregnancy pictures either here or on Facebook. That's because we haven't taken any more. I promise I'm not holding out. The problem is that, by the time Brian and I are both home and available for picture-taking, I either feel horrible, feel I look horrible, or am already in my pajamas and don't want to change. However, I will make a better effort this weekend so that you can see how big my belly is getting. I promise.

Thanks for following me on this crazy journey. I can't believe I've gotten just under 200 hits! All this for little 'ol me and the three little "us"s in my belly.

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