Monday, August 22, 2011


I'm not a control freak, but I do a lot of mental planning and I'll admit that a lot of my moodiness is a direct result of mental plans gone awry. Well, I had a more-than-mental plan. I knew how many classes I would be teaching during the next eight weeks and, although it was a little daunting, I was able to mentally juggle the start of my cycle, the driving back and forth to the specialist, the extra workload (I was taking on an extra class for a little pay boost) and normal spousal and household chores. Then, I started spotting and I got nervous. But I recovered... for the most part. But today I was told that I had been assigned an additional class and that this had happened a while ago, but somehow was never communicated to me. This class means extra hours and lunch away from home two days a week. It's not a big deal, but it's more than I was mentally prepared for. But then tonight I was told that, in addition to this being a fourth class and a class I haven't taught before, there may be nine students video conferencing their way into my classroom from another campus each week. Now I'm responsible for two classes worth of students, for a class I've never taught... and I'm going to be on video. This is not what I signed up for. I'll make it work - I always do - but right now I'm feeling very panicky and overwhelmed. I desperately want for my cycle to start so that I can at least know time frames for upcoming procedures. I feel so out of control. It's not like the entire IFV process wasn't taking the control away from me before. Now my professional life is going haywire. I know it will work out in the end, but in this moment I can't see the path. All I see are obstacles and detours and lots of essays to grade. Right now, I am not looking forward to this.

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